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A. M. Wright, «Toward a strategic sanitation approach : improving the sustainability of urban sanitation in developing countries». UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, Washington, DC, USA, p. iii, 38 p. : 19 boxes, 1997.
U. Winblad, Towards an ecological approach to sanitation, vol. no. 5. Stockholm, Sweden: SIDA, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, 1997, p. i, 13 p. : drwngs.
J. E. Koku, «Towards sustainable water supply and sanitation project management in rural Ghana : a case of the Danish water project in the Kpando District», vol. no. 1997:21. Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Land and Water Resources, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 84 p. : 6 fig., 4 ill., 14 tab., 1997.
T. S. Katko y Hukka, J. J., «Towards viable drinking water services», Natural resources forum, pp. p. 161-167 : 5 fig., 1997.
T. Batse, «Trainer's guide for DWST training». Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. iv, 89 p. : ill., 1997.
Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, Accra, G. H. Community, ISODEC -Accra, GH, Integrated Social Development Centre, y Training Network Centre -Kumasi, GH, TNC, «Trainer's guide for PO training». Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. ii, 148 p. : ill., 1997.
R. Kidd, «Trainer's guide for water board training : small towns water supply and sanitation project». Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. ii, 136 p. : ill., 1997.
R. Kidd y Cowater International -Ottawa, Ont., CA, «Trainer's guide for WATSAN training». Community Water and Sanitation Agency, Accra, Ghana, p. iii, 55 p. : ill., 1997.
B. D. Shishu Ang Dhaka, «A training manual for the community-based planning using participatory assessment, analysis and action approach». Shishu Angina, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. ii, 28 p. : ill., 1997.
N. Department NA, «Training of water points committees : Namibia». DRWS/WSSPOR, Oshakati, Namibia, p. 43 p. : ill, 1997.
U. Makoumbou, «Traitement des ordures ménagères de Brazzaville par méthanisation». Burkina Faso, Ministere de l'Environnement et de l'Eau (MEE), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, pp. 129-134 p. : map, 1997.
M. Strauss, «Treatment of sludges from non-sewered sanitation system», in Workshop on sustainable municipal waste water treatment systems, 12-14 November 1996, Leusden, the Netherlands, 1997, pp. P. 161-184 : 10 fig., 5 tab.
J. M. Trolldalen, «Troubled waters in the Middle East : the process towards the first Regional Water Declaration between Jordan, Palestinian Authority, and Israel », Natural resources forum, pp. p. 101-108 : 1 fig., 1997.
J. Kramer, «Tugende! : het gebruik van Theatre for Development in Uganda». University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, p. xii, 145 p. : fig., photogr., 1997.
J. Leitmann y Surjadi, C., Understanding environmental problems in disadvantaged neighborhoods : broad spectrum surveys, participatory appraisal and contingent valuation, vol. report no. 3. Stockholm, Sweden: Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), 1997, p. xii, 146 p. : 34 tab.
World Bank -Washington, DC, US y UNDP -New York, NY, US, «UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation program». UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program, Washington, DC, USA, p. video (10 min.) : VHS, Pal, 1997.
Water and Sanitation Program -Washington, DC, US, WSP, «UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program : 95-96 report». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 48 p. : ill., 1997.
K. E. World Bank Nairobi, «UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program : RWSG-ESA Workplan 1997». UNDP-World Bank, Regional Water and Sanitation Group Eastern and Southern Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, p. iv, 70 p., 1997.
T. J. Casey, Unit treatment processes in water and wastewater engineering. Chichester, UK: Wiley, 1997, p. xii, 280 p. : fig., photogr., tab.
A. Bor, «Upgrading traditional wells in north-west Namibia», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, p. p. 9 : 3 photogr., 1997.
P. Kolsky, «Urban environmental health : fitting the pieces together», Waterlines, an international journal of water, sanitation and waste, pp. p. 1-4 : 1 fig., 2 photogr., 1997.
C. Stephens, Akerman, M., Avle, S., P. Maia, B., Campanario, P., Doe, B., y Tetteh, D., «Urban equity and urban health : using existing data to understand inequalities in health and environment in Accra, Ghana and Sao Paulo, Brazil», Environment and urbanization, pp. p. 181-202 : 1 box, 1 fig., 1 map, 6 tab., 1997.
N. R. Mudege y Taylor, P., «Urban sanitation in Zimbabwe and the relation to environmental pollution». Institute of Water and Sanitation Development, Harare, Zimbabwe, p. 33 p. : 2 fig., 13 tab., 1997.
J. Davis, Whittington, D., Pollard, R., y Miarsono, H., «Urban sewer planning in developing countries and "the neighborhood deal": a case study of Semarang, Indonesia». World Bank, Washington, DC, USA, p. 23 p. : 10 tab., 1997.
S. Labree, «The urban water and sanitary crisis : water and sanitation supply in the slum context and the possible role of an emergency relief organisation like MSF». Agricultural University Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, p. 51 p. : 1 fig., 1997.


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