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L’Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) et l’Autorité Palestinienne de l’Eau (PWA) travaillent ensemble pour recueillir les 310 millions d’euros nécessaires à la construction d’une usine de dessalement et de distribution d’eau dans la Bande de Gaza. Les pays arabes, coordonnés … Read more...
“Government has an unavoidable role to play towards sustainable water services at scale in Ghana, as the only actor with the legitimacy to lead development of an agreed framework for service delivery”, says Mrs Vida Duti, Country Director of IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre in Ghana. Read more...
The NGO “Give to Colombia” will implement several pilot projects that will serve as models for the Rural Water Supply and Wastewater Management Program in Colombia. The pilot projects will focus on WASH in schools, post-construction support, household connections and self-supply models. IRC has a... Read more...
To choose the sanitation product or service that households want and can afford, couples (both men and women) need access to information on which they can base their choice. Read more...
Regarding the ‘enabling environment’ of the policies, laws, regulations and institutional and financial support, sanitation still faces a double challenge: the low priority for sanitation in comparison to water supply and economic development programmes reluctance of authorities to drop short-term... Read more...
Factors which trigger households to build and use toilets can be quite different from the messages that promoters spread. Read more...
Typical sanitation promoters are training community health workers and local leaders, council members and members of village water and sanitation committees. Read more...
PHAST is a comprehensive approach to reduce diarrhoeal diseases. Read more...
This approach encourages households to recognize, develop and meet demands for more than toilets. Read more...
A definition of sanitation marketing is the use of business principles and unsubsidized markets to make it possible that local providers meet the demands of non-poor and poor local households. (Sijbesma et al, 2010) Read more...
Sustaining sanitation is much more expensive than building latrines. The 20-year cost of sustaining a basic level sanitation service per person in WASHCost research areas is anywhere from 5-20 times the cost per person of building the latrine in the first place. Read more...
Amelie Dube, programme officer at IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, discusses the efforts of embedding the life-cycle cost approach at local level in relation to sanitation in Burkina Faso. Read more...
IRC Ghana, in conjunction with major stakeholders in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector in Ghana, is considering various innovative ways of financing for Capital Maintenance Expenditure (CapManEx) for WASH facilities. Read more...
“We want non-functionality of water systems to drastically reduce from the current level of about 30% to as low as 5% by the next decade”. This according to Naa Baga II, Chairman of the Direct Support Cost Committee, will only happen, if challenges with Direct Support Cost are addressed thoroughly. Read more...
The Sustainable Services at Scale (Triple-S) Project has for the past three years used the sector learning approach to influence policy and practice in the rural water sector. This is because learning and adaptive management are central to delivering sustainable services. Read more...
S’il devait confectionner sa carte de visite, Alidou Pamanebounbou Belem pourrait y inscrire en plus de son identité l’information suivante : artisan-réparateur à succès ! Depuis deux ans qu’il exerce ce métier il a réussi à s’acheter une grosse moto et fait face sereinement aux dépenses de sa... Read more...
The Water Channel is offering US$ 500 for the best idea for an alternative to the jerry can. The ergonomics of the jerry cans are clearly wrong, says Frank van Steenbergen. Up to 80 million women in Africa have to carry water daily, which can result in a high prevalence of spinal and back pain. Read more...
Triple-S Ghana joined the Ugandan and International Work streams for a research seminar held in Kampala from September 24 to 26, 2012. Read more...
How do you set a tariff for water in a small town, so that people can afford to pay and there is enough money to sustain the service?" Read more...
The majority of the water and sanitation projects funded by the European Union (EU) in six African countries are not sustainable says the EU's spending watchdog. Read more...