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Du 12 au 17 mars 2012 s’est tenu à Marseille, dans le sud de la France, le 6ème Forum Mondial de l’Eau. La soixantaine de participants de la délégation burkinabè représentait l’ensemble des acteurs du domaine de l’eau et de l’assainissement au Burkina Faso : ministres, directeurs de structures... Read more...
On a day when the UN is highlighting water and food security, the IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre is calling for policy changes to promote the use of water at home to boost people’s livelihoods. Homestead-level, small-scale production from livestock and vegetable gardens make a... Read more...
Unsafe water source: At least 60 residents of Gulu district in northern Uganda, fell ill after drinking water from wells and streams that were reportedly poisoned by unknown people. Read more...
On 13 and 14 March 2012, WASHCost Ghana hosted a training session on the life-cycle cost approach in order to help participants—especially district water and sanitation teams, district planners, and district directors, with their planning and budgeting of WASH services. Read more...
At the seminar Agua y alimentacion, por derecho organised by Ongawa in Madrid on 20 March 2012,the multiple use water services ( MUS ) approach was debated. Read more...
WASHCost Burkina Faso La mobilisation du financement est un enjeu sensible pour le développement et la gestion des services AEPHA (Eau, assainissement et hygiène) pour tous. Deux sessions complémentaires ont abordé ce sujet dans le 6ème Forum Mondiale de l’eau - Marseille 2012. Read more...
O sector de Água, Saneamento e Higiene – ASH possui informação limitada relativa aos custos e seu historial. Para responder a este défice, o WASHCost tem vindo a publicar vários artigos relativos aos custos e analise do Pec zonal em Moçambique. Esta informação está neste momento a ser usada para... Read more...
La question d’un assainissement durable peut signifier l’amélioration de la qualité de vie tant des personnes réfugiées et déplacées que des populations autochtones. Dans cette optique, quelles leçons tirées de l’est Tchadien pourraient être utiles à d’autres contextes ? Quelles … Read more...
La mobilisation du financement est un enjeu sensible pour le développement et la gestion des services AEPHA (Eau, assainissement et hygiène) pour tous. Deux sessions complémentaires ont abordé ce sujet dans le 6ème Forum Mondiale de l’eau – Marseille 2012 … Read more...
Robert Marten an Associate of the Rockefeller Foundation presented the results of the Foundation’s Multiple Use Services (MUS) search. This exercise meant to explore the policy, technical and other barriers that limit the scaling of MUS. In addition, it, also closely looked at how to make the MUS... Read more...
Indonesia’s commitment to the MDGs and a World Bank report on the negative economic impacts of poor sanitation placed urban sanitation firmly on the Indonesian government agenda from 2006 onwards. Read more...
O esforço que as pessoas empreendem para contornar as dificuldades da modernidade é notável, principalmente em relação a aspectos relacionados com o saneamento nas cidades moçambicanas. A foto documenta que, para além da falta de meios financeiros, ainda se pode ser criativo, inventando e... Read more...
The GLOWS approach to building capacity at woreda level has many benefits. Some of the examples that participants have raised clearly highlight the current challenges that are faced in day-to-day efforts to improve rural WASH services. Read more...
Domestic water supplies make a much bigger contribution to food security than we generally recognise. That's something to ponder on World Water Day (22 March 2012) which, this year, highlights the theme of water and food security. Read more...
This webinar presents the results of a study into post-construction support and goes into the broader discussion on the role of post-construction support on rural water supplies. Read more...
La question est au cœur du 6e Forum mondial de l’eau à Marseille. L’eau est à toutes les sauces cette semaine à Marseille où la cité phocéenne accueille en effet jusqu’au samedi 17 mars 2012 le 6e Forum mondial de l’eau (FME), le plus grand rassemblement au monde d’experts sur la question. Venus de... Read more...
Ghana is focusing on using a decentralized approach to monitoring rural water services declares the Chief Executive Officer of the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), Mr Clement Bugase at the 6 th World Water Forum. Read more...
A debate on the Community Managed Project (CMP) approach at the World Water Forum ended with the audience voting in favour of CMP as a solution to rural WASH. Read more...
Nearly 2.2 million people die every year because of WASH-related factors, causing CSOs at the World Water Forum to that conclude that this is recipe for a humanitarian crisis. Read more...
At the 6 th World Water Forum held in Marseille, France, in March 2012, the Ethiopian government made a commitment to implement self supply as an approach to rural water supply. Read more...