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Financing water and sanitation improvements for the very poor remains a major challenge over large areas of the globe. In a dynamic session at the World Water Forum in Marseille participants were asked to choose the best solution from 6 proposed by IRC and WSUP in their paper 6 Key Solutions for... Read more...
Yves Chartier, who worked for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WSH) at the World Health Organization, died in a tragic accident in the Jura mountains on 8 January 2012. Mr. Chartier was WHO’s face for matters of medical waste management, and for water and sanitation in health care centres and schools. Read more...
A l'Eau l'Afrique, A l'Eau le Monde !, au Bénin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Sénégal et Togo se sont tenu, 6 forums nationaux de l'eau, en marge desquels ont été organisés des événements artistiques et culturels. Avec le soutien de Safoul Productions, des concerts et des manifestations culturelles... Read more...
O filme foi feito no distrito de Mecufi, em 2010, aquando da pesquisa do Projecto WASHcost. Neste filme fica a se saber como os pesquisadores interagiam com as autoridades e comunidades rurais. Read more...
Créé il y a 10 ans par son altesse royale Roi du Maroc, le prix Hassan II constitue l’une des distinctions les plus importantes du monde dans le domaine de l’eau. Parmi les 33 candidatures de 21 pays différents, l’Observatoire du … Read more...
“We will complement each other and create a win-win situation through this collaboration”, said IRC Director Nico Terra when signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Akvo Foundation on 13 March at the 6 th World Water Forum in Marseilles. Read more...
The 6th World Water Forum opened in Marseille with the welcome news that the world had attained the MDG target of halving the number of people without access to safe drinking water way ahead of the 2015 deadline. However, another 800 million people in the world are yet to share in that success. Read more...
My name is Deirdre Casella. I am a Programme Officer and have worked in various capacities at IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre since December 1999. My current focus is coordinating the monitoring and learning work of the Triple-S project. In Triple-S we aim to ‘proceed with good intent... Read more...
Dans le cadre de la mise en place de l’initiative Triple-S au Burkina ( Services durables à l’échelle ), l’IRC et Eau Vive se sont rencontrés dans la région du Sahel. Cette visite a également permis aux représentants des deux organisations de rencontrer l’Association des Usagers de l’Eau- AUE du... Read more...
« Nous sommes conscients qu’il y a beaucoup de choses à faire en matière de communication, surtout lorsque des incidents surviennent la nuit sur notre réseau. On essaie d’améliorer la communication. L’engagement est pris d’informer le public », a dit … Read more...
We are interested in collecting stories from a broad number of stakeholders, including representatives of governments and donor agencies, international finance institutions, foundations, NGOS, private sector and research organisations. Read more...
IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre will be an active participant in the World Water Forum 6 from 12 to 17 March 2012 in Marseilles, France. We will be strongly involved in WWF6 sessions on Finance, Monitoring and Communications. Read more...
The lack of clearly delineated roles can undermine sustainable services at scale. Read more...
On 8 March 2012, Al Jazeera’s “Inside story” took a closer look at the results of the Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) report, produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF. Patrick Moriarty, IRC's International programme director and Triple-S director participated in a panel... Read more...
Secteur 19 de Ouagadougou, à la cité dite de l’espérance. Les habitants souffrent du manque criard d’eau. Bien que connectés au réseau d’adduction en eau de L’Office Nationale de l’Eau et de l’Assainissement du Burkina (ONEA), les habitants de ce quartier ne disposent de l’eau courante que 2 heures... Read more...
This week the Joint Monitoring Program of the United Nations announced that the MDG for water supply has been reached, most likely already somewhere in 2010. 5 years ahead of the deadline the percentage of the World’s population without access to safe water supplies has been halved. This is no mean... Read more...
8 th of March. On this day you always ask yourself: am I doing enough? Am I contributing all I can to create more equal gender relations in the world? Are we? It’s been a long time since my job was exclusively focused on gender equity- in water of course. I felt that all the stereotypes applied:... Read more...
AlJazeera’s "Inside story" will take an in-depth look at water and sanitation, and will have Patrick Moriarty, IRC’s International programme director and Triple-S director, as a panelist. Tune in on 8 March 2012 at 17:30 GMT. Watch your local Al Jazeera news station , or check out Al Jazeera’s live... Read more...
"What is being measured is basically the type of improved technology that people are supposed to be accessing like a hand-pump or a tap in the house. What's not being measured is whether it works, the quality, how far people have to walk to get to that water." IRC's Patrick Moriarty was... Read more...