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Nyen and Mbemi are two communities in Cameroon sharing the same gravity water supply system that was started in 1974 and completed in 1980. It is a big scheme with all kinds of good facilities. It comprises the following components and facilities: five spring catchments, one storage tank with a... Read more...
WASHCost Ghana supports the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) development process and the Sector Strategic Development Plan (SSDP) to have the Life Cycle Costs Approach (LCCA) embedded in the WASH service delivery. Read more...
WASHTech project is using cost components of LCCA in the financial indicators for validating WASH technologies. Read more...
UNICEF is developing and testing the “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Bottleneck Analysis Tool (WASH-BAT)”. This tool integrates, among others “the approaches and concepts of other recent tools and initiatives in the WASH sector. Read more...
The GLAAS questionnaire on aid disbursements for WASH includes a question on maintaining and improving service levels. Read more...
In partnership with IRC and the Rainwater Harvesting Implementation Network, WASHCost studied the historical trends and drivers of adopting Rain Water Harvesting (RWH). Detailed comparisons are made between life-cycle costs of RWH systems and the life-cycle costs of other water supply systems. Read more...
Planners and decision makers expect to know what a technology will cost and what it will deliver, including the traditional technologies used for rainwater harvesting. But collecting and analysing these costs, even for age old technologies, is not straightforward since documentation of actual costs... Read more...
Who says traditional African community mobilisation approaches have died out? The application of the Omuhiigo approach to the Community Based Management System (CBMS) of water sources in Kabarole district, is a good case of the revival of seemingly-forgotten traditional community mobilisation... Read more...
Chers Collegues, je partage avec vous ces informations utiles pour la redaction des articles. Il est integralement copie sur le site de IRC... Read more...
The Government of India has announced a 40%-60% increase in spending on sanitation from April 2012 and says it will more than double the subsidy that goes to rural families who build a toilet at home. This is part of an effort to transform the role of sanitation in rural areas where, according to... Read more...
A inflação é responsável por diversas distorções na orçamentação. As principais distorções identificadas para o sector são: • Quando se estiver a fazer a orçamentação de qualquer projecto tem de se levar em conta as projecções inflacionárias, para reduzir ou minimizar as perdas do valor do dinheiro... Read more...
Este texto informativa pretende abrir uma discussão sobre os Custos de Capital. Quanto é que o sector paga (indirectamente) por intervenções do passado e quanto é que o sector planeia pagar no futuro? Texto escrito por Arjen Naafs e Kassie Rousseau. Read more...
This Information sheet opens the discussion on Cost of Capital. Read more...
Par Eddy Patrick DONKENG J’ai eu des minutes d’hésitation avant de prendre et aujourd’hui de publier cette photo malgré l’autorisation de filmer. Après un adulte qui venait à peine de déféquer aux abords du fleuve Mensurado, une jeune enfant à l’innocence certaine vint également accomplir la même... Read more...
J’ai eu des minutes d’hésitation avant de prendre et aujourd’hui de publier cette photo malgré l’autorisation de filmer. Après un adulte qui venait à peine de déféquer aux abords du fleuve Mensurado, une jeune enfant à l’innocence certaine vint également accomplir la même besogne. Read more...
Par Eddy Patrick DONKENG Quelques années après la guerre civile, les conséquences d’un assainissement médiocre et du manque d’eau sont nombreuses sur la santé de tous et en particulier des femmes et des enfants. 11/20 c’est la note attribuée au Liberia par l’Unicef et WaterAid en 2011 en matière d’... Read more...
Quelques années après la guerre civile, les conséquences d’un assainissement médiocre et du manque d’eau sont nombreuses sur la santé de tous et en particulier des femmes et des enfants. 11/20 c’est la note attribuée au Liberia par l’ Unicef et WaterAid en 2011 en matière d’assainissement. Au delà... Read more...
It was taken for granted that someone who cannot read or write could not aspire to leadership. However, Tresia Mutisia from Yanthooko, Kenya saw in herself the wisdom that age brings with life experiences and maturity. She had the leadership that time brings. She saw the lack of clean and... Read more...
Don Felipe from Belén in Guatemala says: “In 1975, UNEPAR started the construction of our water system. Steps were only taken because of pressure from the women. They protested about the lack of water.” Women in Belén started to participate in the water committee. They were the driving force behind... Read more...
After the team of the implementing agency had supported the people in Nkouondja in solving their management problems a celebration meeting was held to conclude the work. Feeling satisfied with the job and the result, the village chief of Nkouondja in Cameroon says in his speech: “Since you have... Read more...