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The second International Work Stream (IWS) learning retreat took place during January 19-20, 2012. Participants discussed emerging results from monitoring methods used to inform the IWS' learning – including SenseMaker®, stakeholder interviews, qualitative document assessment, logs of requests and... Read more...
Behavioural change needs to happen at both user level and service provider level if water services are to remain sustainable. The Triple-S project promoted the need for rigorous learning processes for all water stakeholders in order to ensure services that last.
Read more...An abundance of innovative ideas and knowledge exist in the Ugandan water and sanitation (WASH) sector. Due mostly to a lack of time or confidence in writing skills, these insights are seldom put on paper and shared with a wider audience. To stimulate the distribution of knowledge that is generated... Read more...
Dudu Mnisi, an engineer of one of the regional offices of Mvula Trust in South Africa interviewed Mr J Makgoka, chairperson of the Village Water Committee of Mohlajeng in the Republic of South Africa. Read more...
Water assembly meetings can play a useful role in allowing people to clarify their own duties and those of other people as shown by a workshop in Ceylan, Colombia. Miguel, the water engineer, reports to workshop participants, “I am happy that the administrators and everyone else recognises that my... Read more...
The water supply systems of Nyen and Mbemi, Cameroon are connected to the same water source. This has been a cause of many disputes, and has paralysed the functioning of the water committee. A meeting is organised to discuss the problems. Tension is high as members from Nyen and Mbemi enter the... Read more...
The committee in charge of the water system in Belén, Guatemala dedicated itself to collecting the fees, presenting accounts to the revenue administration and selling new connections. At first, since the system was new, there were no problems. Maintenance consisted of cleaning the distribution tank... Read more...
Water users in Lira district, Northern Uganda have adopted a new way of ensuring regular payment of user fees and continued functionality of their sources. From the funds collected in monthly fees, they have started a loan scheme for users. Many community members who have benefited from the... Read more...
Par Eddy Patrick J’ai l’habitude de recevoir des alertes pour des informations qui concernent l’accès à l’eau, l’hygiène et l’assainissement. Il y a de cela quelques jours je me demandais comment est-ce que le sport pourrait servir la cause WASH … Read more...
Enquêteur/trice pour recueillir des données sur les capacités des organisations (ONG, associations, comités d’usager et de gestion, collectivités) spécialisées dans la gestion de l’eau et des ressources naturelles du Bassin de la Volta à intégrer un observatoire. Niveau de qualification requis :... Read more...
Inicia este Março o levantamento sobre os Custos de esvaziamento das latrinas avançadas nas zonas periurbanas da Cidade de Maputo.Os Bairros de Albasine, Laulane, Mafalala e Magoanine B são os abrangidos pelo levantamento Read more...
In the search for more effective coordination mechanisms, WASH actors in Kabarole district (Uganda) ventured into sub-county level planning and review meetings. Although it is still in its infant stages, this approach is already showing signs that it could improve some aspects of sector... Read more...
Depuis 20 ans, les rivières du territoire rural de Fizi au "Sud Kivu" en république démocratique du Congo, connaissaient un cycle d’inondation et d’assèchement. Cela était dû à la destruction des réserves forestières de la région où les rivières prennent source. … Read more...
Three years of creating change in Triple-S. Not a nice linear process but trying things out, getting better at it and finding words to describe what we do. And so it is time to step back and put it on paper. What is it this theory of change of Triple-S? Is it a theory or isn't it? Read more...
Preparations for Tad Market in Nyen, Cameroon start a day early. Women prepare for market. They clean the bars, cook food to sell, wash their clothes to look neat, wash the bottles for the sale of palm wine, and prepare corn beer. For all this they require water. Water shortage would be a disaster... Read more...
The Athi Water Project was operated by the Kenya Department of Water. It served only a part of Kiveetyo. This supply became unreliable due to high costs of pumping and water treatment .The source was surface water from the Athi River which is heavily contaminated and carries high sediment loads... Read more...
Seven communities in Aguacatan, Guatemala, all use the same water source: El Pericon. A 17 kilometre long conduction pipe serves all seven communities with water. The system breaks down frequently because of landslides caused by over-intensive agricultural cultivation on the slopes or because... Read more...
The village of Nkouondja in Cameroon constructed a water system with the help of a Swiss agency. Two years after construction the village water committee planned an extension of the system to be paid from collected household fees. The committee contracted a consultant to supply materials and hire a... Read more...
Nyen and Mbemi are two communities in Cameroon sharing the same gravity water supply system that was started in 1974 and completed in 1980. It is a big scheme with all kinds of good facilities. It comprises the following components and facilities: five spring catchments, one storage tank with a... Read more...
WASHCost Ghana supports the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) development process and the Sector Strategic Development Plan (SSDP) to have the Life Cycle Costs Approach (LCCA) embedded in the WASH service delivery. Read more...